
Posts Tagged ‘iran’

[Novembre 2022, Iran] L’Organisation Anarchiste du Kurdistan Oriental (Rojhilat) attaque les domiciles de flics infiltrés

December 10th, 2022 Comments off

Via سازمان آنارشیستی-Anarchist Organization sur Telegram

Nous n’avertirons pas deux fois

Avertissement à Josh Mazdar Hamed Asadi, vous avez été impliqué dans l’identification et la répression du peuple militant et révolutionnaire de Saqqez, cette fois c’est votre maison a brûlé dans le feu de la colère des opprimé-es, vous brûlerez certainement la prochaine fois.

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[November 2022, Iran] The Anarchist Organization of Eastern Kurdistan (Rojhilat) attacks the house of undercovers cops

December 10th, 2022 Comments off

Via سازمان آنارشیستی-Anarchist Organization on Telegram

We won’t warn twice

Warning to Josh Mazdar Hamed Asadi, you have been involved in identifying and suppressing the militant and revolutionary people of Saqqez, this time your house burned in the fire of the anger of the oppressed, you will definitely burn yourself the next time.

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Une annonce officielle de l’Organisation Anarchiste politico-militaire du Kurdistan Oriental (Rojhelat)

December 9th, 2022 Comments off

Via The Federation of Anarchism Era (english) / farsi

L’Organisation Anarchiste politico-militaire du Kurdistan Oriental (Rojhelat) annonce officiellement son existence à partir d’aujourd’hui 18 novembre 2022. Nous sommes une organisation anarchiste active au Kurdistan oriental et notre objectif est d’amener une révolution sociale à travers les luttes dans la rue et de briser l’hégémonie et le monopole de l’utilisation de la violence par le gouvernement théocratique-fasciste en Iran.

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[September 2022 – April 2023, Iran] Direct Action in the Zhina Amini Uprising

November 11th, 2022 Comments off

Thematic chronology of direct action in the ongoing revolution & uprising in Iran, mostly taken from the twitter account @abolitiontxt.

Last update: 09/06/2023

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[October 2022, France] Solidarity action from Toulouse to the revolt in Iran

October 24th, 2022 Comments off

Via sansnom

For more than a month, a revolt has been shaking the territory of the Iranian republic. It is very exciting to learn that expressions of patriarchy are being questioned, and that this is done by attacking the cops, building barricades, looting cop stations, destroying cameras, etc. In Saqqez as in Toulouse, the police defend a world of control and exploitation. Of course, the situations are not the same, but the secularists who criticize the ayatollahs’ regime without saying anything about the dozens of feminicides this year in France or the murders committed by the cops are only hypocrites.
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