Home > actions, archives, communiqués, english > [June 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State

[June 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State

July 3rd, 2022

Here’s a collection of different actions claimed by radical Mapuche groups in Wallmapu, against the Chilean state, in June 2022. Some of these actions were collected from mainstream media. For each, we will try to provide a link/picture to the actual claim/pamphlet and a translation of it.

June 1, Perquenco: ​​Lof Llancamil Challakura recovered territory that had been usurped by a large landowner. Communique in Spanish on mapuexpress:

Lof Llancamil Challakura hace ingreso al predio usurpado por el latifundista Patricio Navarrete

June 2, Lumaco: the ORT – Anganamun of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched 3 machines (a Bell, a skidder, a container) of forestry company Mininco.

Lumaco/Fundo el León de forestal Mininco Sabotaje deja destruidos tres equipos forestales, entre ellos un Bell, una skider y un container. Acción adjudicada por el ORT Anganamun ¡Fuera las forestales del Wallmapu! ¡Resistencia armada contra el capital y el estado criminal!

« Foresters out of Wallmapu! Armed resistance against the Capital and criminal State! »

June 5, Vilcún: unknown persons torched an excavating machine in an agricultural property and left two canvas alluding to Mapuche territorial claims & containing slogans against Chile government agency Conadi.

June 6, Lumaco: the ORT – Anganamun of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched a logging tower & a container of forestry company Mininco.


« Foresters out of Wallmapu! Armed resistance against the Capital and criminal State! »

June 7, Cañete: 3 houses were set on fire, destroying 2 and doing considerable damage to the third, and a canvas was left on site to demand justice for murdered Mapuche community member Eloy Alarcón.

 picture of a red canvas with the following text written in black: Por el peñi Eloy Elarcón Manquepán, Justicia Mapuche por los weychave caidos, ¡wewaiñ!

« For peñi* Eloy Elarcón Manquepán, Mapuche justice for fallen weychave**, ¡ wewaiñ*** ! » [TN: * Mapuche man ** Mapuche fighters *** Mapuche expression meaning “we will win”]

June 10, Santiago: Anarchist Cell Warriache Matías Catrileo left the university campus, cut the street, erected barricades and attacked cops with firebombs. « We embrace with complicity the anarchic secondary struggle, the weixan waged by pu weichafe in Wallmapu, as well as the different expressions of struggle, attack and revolutionary resistance against the states and capital around Abya Yala and the world. » Communique in Spanish on Noticias de la guerra social and in English on Dark Nights


Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack in Macul and Grecia + Claim of the “Célula Warriache Matías Catrileo”.

June 11, Collipulli: 3 trucks & a van were torched, a canvas was left on site. It reads: « Freedom to all Mapuche political prisoners in Angol and Temuco. Luis Nahuelqueo, Moroni Ancalaf, Matías Ancalaf, Miguel Torres Toro, Fredy Marileo and Erick Montoya. Justice for fallen weichafes Liempi, Catrillanca Marchant Eloy Manquepan Marileo. United with weichafe in sabotage. »

June 16, Victoria (La Araucanía): Resistencia Mapuche Malleco set on fire & destroyed a catholic chapel.

hung banner reading : « Libertad P.P.M. R.M.M. newen werken epu leufu »

« Freedom for the Mapuche political prisoners. RMM. Newen werken epu leufu. »

June 16, Curacautín: Resistencia Mapuche Malleco torched a family inn of Fuad Chahín (former president of the Christian Democratic Party), left 2 canvases on site.

two canvases on the floor, first one reads : « Fuera familia Chahin y todo el latifundio del Wallmapu. Elon Manquepan presente. RMM. » ; second one is cropped by the picture

« Chahín family & all latifundio out of Wallmapu. Eloy Manquepán present. RMM »

June 18, Collipulli: the Newen Kurra community in alliance with the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco started a process of territorial recovery in domains that had been usurped by forestry companies Mininco, Arauco & Masisa.

June 18, San Juan de la Costa: radical Mapuche torched forestry machines of AnChile, left a canvas and a Mapuche flag on site.

picture of a red mapuche flag & canvas on the floor, it reads : « FUERA FORESTALES DEL WALLMAPU! Con la fuerza de Wenteyao, Millalikan, Pukatriwekeche. Nos levantamos en weichan! - Gallito Katrilef - Toño Marchant - Eloy Manquepan Presentes en Weichan »

« Fore$try out of Wallmapu. With the strength of Wenteyao, Millalikan, Pukatriwekeche*. We rise in weichan [TN: struggle]. – Gallito Katrilef – Toño Marchant – Eloy Manquepan Present in Weichan » [TN: * important spirits & figures of Mapuche mythology] »

June 23, Río Bueno: Resistencia Kizutrokin intercepted a Statkraft hydroelectric plant van, lightly injured 2 workers & torched the van.

canvas on the floor reading « Guerra a Noruega, fuera Statkraft de Pilmaiken. Pu weichafe caídos presentes. Libertad P.P.M. (Presos políticos mapuche) (Resistencia Kizutrokin) » followed by Mapuche stars & a rifle drawing

« War on Norway. Statkraft out of Pilmaiken [TN: where the hydraulic plant is being built]. Pu fallen weichafe present. Freedom for Mapuche Political Prisoner. »

June 28, Lebu & Concepción: Mapuche political prisoners in Chile started an unlimited hunger strike – César Millanao, Orlando Saez and Oscar Pilquiman in Lebu for their transfer to the study & work center ; Emilio Berkhoff in Concepción for his transfer to the prison of Lebu, closer to his family. Communique in Spanish on La Zarzamora and in English on Abolition Media:



Presos políticos mapuche de Lebu y Concepción comienzan huelga de hambre indefinida


Mapuche Political Prisoners of Lebu and Concepción Begin Indefinite Hunger Strike

June 29, Cholchol: flaming barricades were erected at Koiwe Painemal against the visit of powerful businessman Juan Sutil in the region, a march also happened on June 30 in Temuco against his extractivist project to build 3 reservoirs on a river. The following declaration was sent to Radio Lafken Mawida: « Out Sutil and his fruit projects. Out Jaime Muro and his foresters. For the defense of the Cholchol river. » For more info on this specific struggle, a declaration of the Coordination Mapuche Inkayaiñ Chol Chol lewfu for a June 17 march against the project can be read on La Zarzamora and a report on the June 30 march as well (both in Spanish).

June 30, Capitan Pastene: in solidarity with the hunger strikes of Mapuche political prisoners Cesar Millanao, Orlando Saez, Oscar Pilquiman & Emilio Berkhof, and of Victor Llanquileo, Weychan Auka Mapu (WAM) destroyed 3 machines & a forestry van at a subcontractor of a Mininco forestry estate. Communique with more attacks in Spanish on Radio Kurruf.

WAM informa: múltiples sabotajes en respaldo a huelga de hambre de los PPM en Lebu y Concepción


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