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[March 2022, WallMapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State

April 6th, 2022

Here’s a collection of different actions claimed by radical Mapuche groups in Wallmapu, against the Chilean state. Most of these actions were collected from mainstream media. For each, we will try to provide a link/picture to the actual claim/pamphlet and a translation of it.

March 02, Temuco (La Araucanía): Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) set fire to the residence of a member of a latifundista family and to 5 machines on one of their farms.

March 06, Lumaco (La Araucanía): Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) burned down a mansion (planned to be occupied as a commercial space).

The following canvas covers both actions:

"Libertad para Tralcal”, “Sabotaje Santa Rosa 1 familia Luchsinger. Hasta la expulsión de los latifundistas del territorio mapuche”, "Por Luis Tranamil y todos los PPM." "Pu Mapuche Choi tañy neikuleal, Mapu ka ko reke, chumechy rume neikuleain mutem."

Free Tralcal. Sabotage the fundo Santa Rosa 1 [of the Luchsinger family]. Until the expulsion of latifundista from the Mapuche territory. For Luis Tranamil and all Mapuche political prisoners (PPM). As Mapuche we were born free, like the land and water, freedom does not have a price.

March 4, Carahue (La Araucanía): Lof Trayenko recovered land from a latifundista.

March 6, Nuevo Imperial (La Araucanía): An arson attack against an aggregates company destroyed 1 truck 1 shed 4 machines 1 building. Pamphlets were left in support of Mapuche political prisoners.

March 10, Arauco: the Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) burned down 2 forestry machines.
Leonardo Barrientos. “Ojo por ojo, perro de Piñera”

Leonardo Barrientos Rebolledo [TN: regional director of Gendarmerie] An eye for an eye, dog of Piñera.

March 11, Traiguén (La Araucanía): Mapuche fighters burned down 1 truck 1 forestry machine.

March 11, Vilcún (La Araucanía): Mapuche fighters burned down 2 trucks 2 vans 1 warehouse of an aggregates company.

March 13, Contulmo (Arauco): Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) burned down 2 sheds of bales of grass (and unfortunately 1 horse also died in the fire) of a well-known farmer.

Weichan Auka Mapu – Libertad a: pu peñi tralcal 12 días en huelga de hambre. I. Tranamil, E. Montoya, E. Berkhof, V. Llanquileo, C. Millanao y todos los presos políticos mapuche y el pueblo chileno subversivo, por Jordan Llempi y todos los caídos luchando. Sabotaje y resistencia soberanía y territorio. ¡Nielole Mapu Muleay Aukan!

Weichan Auka Mapu – Free: Pu Peñi Tralcal 12 days on hunger strike, L. Tranamil, E. Montoya, E. Berkhof, V. Llanquileo, C. Millanao and all Mapuche political prisoners and all subversive Chilean political prisoners. For Jordan Llempi and all who fell fighting. Sabotage and resistance. Sovereignty and territory. ¡Nielole Mapu Muleay Aukan!

March 15, Temucuicui Autonomous community (La Araucanía): Radical Mapuche groups burned a car and shot gunfire to stop the minister of interior from entering the community. More here: https://euphoria.noblogs.org/post/2022/03/19/march-2022-wallmapu-the-entry-of-new-minister-of-interior-to-temucuicui-blocked-by-weichafe-groups/

March 18, Lanco, (Los Ríos): Weichan Auka Mapu burned down 2 houses 1 car of latifundistas.


Pu Peñi Tralkal 17 days on hunger strike. Free Luchito Tranamil and all Mapuche political prisoners. Villasante [family] out of Mapuche territory. No latifundista is a victim.

March 23, Traiguén (La Araucanía): the Coordinadora Arauco-Malleko (CAM) and the lof Carmen Colipí announce the beginning of the recovery of land from a forestry company.

Fuera Forestales y Yanakos de Wallmapu!! CAM

Forestry companies and yanakonas out of Wallmapu!! CAM

Recuperacion Territorial Lof Carmen Kolipi CAM

Territorial recovery. Lof Carmen Kolipi. CAM

March 23: Mapuche political prisoners José and Luis Tralcal ended their hunger strike started on March 1 after winning the benefits of Sunday release and Trimestral release. More here: https://itsgoingdown.org/mapuche-political-prisoners-jose-and-luis-tralcal-end-hunger-strike-after-winning-concessions/
March 24, Victoria (La Araucanía): the Resistencia Mapuche Malleco (RMM) burned down 2 forestry machines.
Manuel Monsalve ahora se te olvida que hay PPM (presos políticos mapuche). En el 2010 apoyaste la huelga. Ahora lo desconoces. Libertad a los PPM de Angol y de todas las cárceles. Fuera las forestales y latifundistas. Resistencia mapuche Malleco

Manuel Monsalve, today you forgot about the Mapuche political prisoners (PPM). In 2010 you supported the strike. Now you don’t know it. Free the Mapuche political prisoners of Angol and all prisons. Forestry companies & latifundistas out [of Wallmapu]!

March 27, Mulchén (Bíobío): the Lof Moluche Kimun announced a territorial recovery & occupation of land from the municipality.

March 28, Tirúa (Bíobío): the Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) torched a van from a forestry company, leaving a canvas demanding the liberation of all Mapuche political prisoners.

March 29, Talcahuano (Bíobío): For the Day of the Young Combatant, Flaming barricades were set up to demand the liberation of Mapuche political prisoner Luis Tranamil Nahuel.

March 30, Cañete (Bíobío): Mapuche protesters forced a government delegation, including the undersecretary of the interior, to interrupt their visit by building road barricades at the city entrance and throwing rocks at them and their cars.

March 30, Lumaco (La Araucanía): 3 Logging Trucks Torched by Mapuche Militants, claimed by the Organización Resistencia Territorial (ORT) Pelontraro of the Coodinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM). More here: https://abolitionmedia.noblogs.org/post/2022/04/01/3-logging-trucks-torched-by-mapuche-militants-in-lumaco-araucania-region-chile/

EL ORT Pelontraro se reinvindica el sabotaje a 3 camiones forestales en la ruta lumaco pastene. Se dejo lienzo pidiendo la libertad de Daniel Canio y Luis Vasquez Tramolao.. en memori de Lumun Catrileo y Tonito.. fuera forestales y yanakonas del wallmapu!!

The ORT Pelontraro claims the sabotage of 3 forestry trucks on the road Lumaco-Pastene.  They left a canvas demanding the freedom of Daniel Canio and Luis Vasquez Tramolao.. in memory of Lumun Catrileo and Toñito.. forestry companies and yanakonas out of Wallmapu!

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