[May 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State
Here’s a collection of different actions claimed by radical Mapuche groups in Wallmapu, against the Chilean state, in May 2022. Some of these actions were collected from mainstream media. For each, we will try to provide a link/picture to the actual claim/pamphlet and a translation of it.
May 2, Teodoro Schmidt (La Araucanía): Weichán Auka Mapu (WAM) torched 4 forestry machines and a truck.
May 7, Buchoco (Bío Bío): Orgánica Radical Mapuche (ORM) burned down 3 cabins, one of which belonged to a relative of the mayor, and left a canvas on site reading “Freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners”.
May 11, Mulchén (Bío Bío): the Órgano de Resistencia Territorial (ORT) – Toño Marchant of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched 5 trucks & a forestry machine in the San Pedro estate.
May 13, Teodoro Schmidt (La Araucanía): the Organo de Resistencia Territorial (ORT) – Lavkenche Leftraru of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched between 7 and 10 forestry machines & trucks.
« Forestry companies out of Wallmapu! »
May 13, Quidico (Biobío): In response to the Boric government’s militarization of Wallmapu, Resistencia Mapuche Lafkenche (RML) carried an armed attack on a cop station and torched a nearby hotel owned by the president of an anti-Mapuche foundation. Communique in Spanish on Radio Kurruf:
[Comunicado] Resistencia Mapuche Lafkenche se adjudica acciones en Quidico
May 14, Cholchol: The Autonomous Community of Kuyinko began the recovery of around 1000 hectares of territory in their Lof that had been usurped by landowners & forestry company. Communique in Spanish on mapuexpress:
May 14, Antiquina: 8 armed persons intercepted a frozen product delivery truck, torched it after stealing 1.5 million pesos and used it as roadblock while displaying a canvas demanding the freedom of Mapuche political prisoners & Alexis Manríquez.
May 14, Los Sauces : the ORT Nagche Pelontraru of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched forestry machines and 3 containers belonging to Forestal Mininco. One of the containers was used by cops to defend the interests of the forestry industry.
« Motrüloche newentuleamun. Kiduleaymy pu peñi, pu weichafe. Meleay ta nagche. O.R.T. NAGCHE PELONTRARU C.A.M. Freedom for Daniel Canio and Luis Vasquez Tramolao. Weuwain – Marrichiweu [TN: Mapuche expression meaning “We will win, 10 or a 1000 times we will win”]»
May 20, Arauco: hooded armed persons torched 4 forestry machines, 3 trucks and 1 vehicle at a forestry site of Forestal Arauco. They left 2 banners on site, one of which is reproduced below.

« Forestry companies out of Wallmapu! Freedom for Mapuche political prisoners and prisoners of the Revolt. »
May 24, Padre Las Casas: the community Pedro Linconao 2 of Lof Rahue started a process of territorial revovery of part of a fundo that had been usurped by the Luchsinger family (large landowners).
May 25, Puerto Montt: 17 years after cops killed young Mapuche Jose Huenante, in a gesture of remembrance and revenge, the Melipulli Jose Huenante Cell of anarchist group Black Vengeance carried an explosive bomb attack on the Melipulli “special forces” cop station. « Greetings to our Wallmapu siblings who resist attempts by the State to suffocate the flame of insurrection in the whole territory and confront extractivism and capital. » Communique in Spanish on Noticias de la Guerra Social and in English on Dark Nights:
May 29: Communique from Mapuche political prisoners in Angol, in English on It’s Going Down :
Mapuche Political Prisoners Denounce the Boric Government and Chilean Gendarmerie
May 30, Quidico (Biobío): a group of unknown persons burned and destroyed two houses belonging to a relative of the president of an anti-Mapuche organization. One of the houses had been recently occupied then evicted and had been left without inhabitants since.