Home > actions, archives, communiqués, english > [April 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State

[April 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State

May 23rd, 2022

Here’s a collection of different actions claimed by radical Mapuche groups in Wallmapu, against the Chilean state, in April 2022. Most of these actions were collected from mainstream media. For each, we will try to provide a link/picture to the actual claim/pamphlet and a translation of it.

April 1st, Lumaco (La Araucanía): the Organización Resistencia Territorial (ORT) Pelontraru of the Coodinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched a truck from a forestry company.

CAM / Accion de sabotaje, deja un camion forestal destruido en la ruta Traiguen Lumaco / Fuera las forestales y los yanakonas! Galvarino Reiman a los weichafe no vas a enganer. ORT nagche Pelontraru. Libertad a Daniel Canio y Luis vasquez tramolao.

« Forestry companies and yanakonas out of Wallmapu! Galvarino Reiman* you are not going to fool the weichafe [TN: Mapuche warriors]. O.r.t. nagche [TN: Mapuche group] Pelontraru. Freedom for Daniel Canio and Luis vasquez tramolao. »

* Galvarino Reiman is a Mapuche werken [a counselor to the lonco (chief of the community) and a spokesman of a community]. He is denounced here as a yanakona [insulting term for Mapuche people who have betrayed their people] as he has for example condemned direct action by radical Mapuche groups.

April 1st, Contulmo: Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche (RML) torched 15 cabins & 2 cars  and gave 48 hours to the government to answer demands that would improve the conditions of Mapuche political prisoners.

Communique in spanish on Kaos, english translation on Abolition Media:

Wallmapu. Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche se adjudica sabotajes y exige al gobierno chileno mejorar condiciones de presos políticos

Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche Claims Torching of 15 Cabins in Contulmo

April 4, Temuco (la Araucanía): In support of Mapuche political prisoners, Mapuche university students took over the offices of state channel TVN for a day.

April 4, Lebu (Bío Bío): in support of Mapuche political prisoners, Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche (RML) took over the municipality of Lebu and occupied it for the day, kicking out workers who were inside.

April 6, Cholchol (La Araucanía): The ORT Anganamun of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) burned down a logging truck of a forestry company.

CAM / Cholchol / Sabotaje / Un camion que trabajaba para forestal Cautin fue totalment destruido, accion adjudicada por el ORT Anganamun. Fuera las forestales de Wallmapu!

« Forestry companies out of Wallmapu! »

April 7, Padre las casas: the ORT-Matias Catrileo of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) burned down a forestry machine.

CAM / Sector Palermo Niagara-Padre las casas / El ORT Matias Catrileo se adjudica un sabotaje que deja totalmente destruida une maquinaria forestal. / Con Tono y Matias en el weychan. Fuera las forestales del Wallmapu!

« With Toño and Matías in the weychan [TN:struggle] Forestry companies out of Wallmapu! »

April 9, Vilcún (La Araucanía): A tractor car was burned down & a banner left in favor of Mapuche political prisoners.

April 11, Cholchol (La Araucanía): the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) burned down and destroyed 2 forestry trucks and 1 van.

April 13, Los Sauces (Malleco): A shed with bales was burned down, a banner demanding the freedom of Mapuche political prisoners left on site.

April 14, San José de la Mariquina: the ORT Toño Marchant of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) burned down 2 forestry machines.

Fund Curanilahue, sector Puringue Pobre - San José de la Mariqiuina / Sabotaje a maquinaria forestal, accion de resistencia adjudicada por el ORT Toño Marchant / FUERA FORESTALES DEL WALLMAPU .LIBERTAD A CANIO, TRAMOLAO Y TODOS LOS PPM. ORT TOÑO MARCHANT

Foresters out of Wallmapu. Freedom for Canio, Tramolao and all Mapuche political prisoners. ORT Toño Marchant

April 14, Lumaco: Weichán Auka Mapu (WAM) blocked the road with a tree to ambush security personnel of a forestry company, shot at them until they fled then torched their van

April 17, Curacautín: a cabin was torched, a canvas was left on site reading: « Racist parceleros [TN:owners of agricultural parcels] out of the Mapuche territory. »

April 17, Cholchol: Lof Juan Millapan recovered territory from a forestry company, with plans to make us of the territory they had been dispossessed of, to exterminate the monoculture of the land and protect the land from destructive uses. Communique in Spanish on Radio Kurruf:

[Comunicado] Cholchol: Lof Juan Millapan inicia recuperación de tierra en predio de Bosques Cautín

April 19, (13.5 km from) Victoria: 5 cabins, a truck and another vehicle were torched at a tourist center, a pamphlet with Mapuche slogans was left on site.

April 20, Tirúa: Masked persons entered a farm estate and set fire to the employer’s house, a banner was left on site demanding freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners.

April 21, on the road from Collipulli to Curaco: the ORT Magil Wenu of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) torched 3 forestry trucks & demanded foresters out of Wallmapu.

Sector Baltimore - ruta Colliupulli - Curaco / Sabotaje deja destruidos 2 camiones de tipo forestal y 1 camion de tipo tres cuartos / Fuera las forestales del Wallmapu!

Foresters out of Wallmapu!

April 23, Ercilla: cops were ambushed and shot at from a wooded area, with bullets hitting an armored vehicle, a banner left on site alludes to the Mapuche cause.

April 24, Perquenco: Liberación Nacional Mapuche (LNM) torched an employer’s house, a warehouse & a truck on a farm, stole 2 shotguns and a second truck, leaving a banner for the freedom of Mapuche political prisoners .


Wallmapu **** until the liberation. Freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners. Latifundos out. L.N.M.

April 26, Temuco: Liberación Nacional Mapuche (LNM) torched 3 forestry machines

April 29, La Paz Loncoche: Liberación Nacional Mapuche (LNM) torched 4 trucks.

LNM claimed the last 3 actions against forestry & latifundos. Communiques in Spanish on Radio Kurruf and English on Abolition Media:

[Comunicado] LNM se adjudica tres sabotajes del pasado mes de abril


Mapuche National Liberation Movement Claims Responsibility for Three Sabotage Attacks Last April

April 26, Curacautín: 3 forestry machines were torched, a banner was left to demand the freedom of Mapuche political prisoners.

April 28, Victoria: A backhoe loader was torched at a fundo, the message « we demand the freedom of the Mapuche prisoners » was left on site.
April 29, Los Álamos: The Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche (RML) claimed responsibility for the sabotage which left 33 aggregate and forestry machines destroyed by a column of 40 weichave.
Communique in Spanish on Radio Kurruf and translations in English here or on It’s Going Down:

[Comunicado] Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche se adjudica ataque a maquinaria de áridos y camiones forestales en Los Álamos

[April 2022, Wallmapu] Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche claims the attack on aggregates & forestry machines in Los Álamos

April 29, Lumaco: The Lof Madilhue and the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) recovered a territory of approximately 450 hectares from forestry company Mininco.

Communique in Spanish on Radio Kurruf and English on It’s Going Down:

[Comunicado] Lumaco: Lof Madilhue y la CAM inician proceso de recuperación territorial a forestal Mininco


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