[March 2022, WallMapu] The entry of new Minister of Interior to Temucuicui blocked by weichafe groups
Via La Zarzamora
On the morning of this Tuesday, March 15, the government through the Minister of the Interior Izkia Siches [TN: appointed on March 11 with new President Boric] unsuccessfully tried to enter the ancestral territory belonging to the Temucuicui Autonomous community, to arrange a meeting with Marcelo Catrillanca, father of Camilo Catrillanca, young Mapuche killed in November 2018 by hitmen of the jungle commando, however this was prevented by groups of weichafe [TN: Mapuche warriors] who blocked the access and prevented the government from entering the community.
A burned car blocked the government’s entrance to the Temucuicui Autonomous community, along with a banner that read:
“Izkia Siches: As long as there are Mapuche Political Prisoners there will be no dialogue. For Camilo Catrillanca and for all those fallen in combat. In WallMapu we will not accept any bribe from a murderous state. NO MORE FORESTRY AND LATIFUNDIA, NO MORE MILITARIZATION. MAPUCHE RESISTANCE”.

Banner hung at the entry to Temucuicui Autonomous Community
The reasons to reject the “dialogue” with the government are evident, the current conditions, result of a long and continuous colonialist process, do not establish the proper scenario to establish any kind of dialogue with the executor of this structural racist violence.
We wonder if the State of Chile, when making diplomatic visits to other countries, lands in them without giving notice to their authorities, if any government official would step on foreign territory without asking for authorization from those who organize and lead those territories. It sounds almost impossible, however, the colonialist vision of the Chilean state once again prevented it and its representatives from doing the minimum, respecting and following the social and political protocols of the Mapuche people.
In an interview to the media Interferencia the lonco [TN: Mapuche community chief] of Temucuicui Autónoma, Víctor Queipul, expressed:
“We have our own surveillance, if they want to enter like this they are very wrong. I am the one who represents the community… the advisors are mistaken, because they don’t know who they should talk to, they talk among themselves”.
Likewise, the Mapuche authority told the same media that no government official contacted him, ignoring and ignoring the Mapuche protocol. This protocol is fundamental to establish any type of contact, in a territory strongly hit by the racist violence of the state, a territory which has 16 political prisoners, in which violent raids have been carried out that have left people injured and tortured, one of the most violent occurring on January 7, 2021, even leaving records of arrests and torture of children of the community.
The responsibility of the state in the process of territorial usurpation executed from the “pacification of Araucania”, the starting point of the colonialist policies undertaken by Chile, seems to be far from being recognized by the new “progressive” government, which raises academic concepts of plurinationality without leaving its comfort zone, ignoring the continuity of institutional racist violence carried out by the state and its powers, because to get to this point, $hile and its different governments have used the executive, legislative and even the judiciary powers to maintain the subjugation of the Mapuche people and try to interrupt any process that leads to self-determination.
The Autonomous community of Temucuicui with this boycott made evident the colonialist background of the governmental intentions, representatives of a state that justifies and executes racist violence, a state that does not take responsibility for the usurpation of Mapuche lands that it then handed over to foreign settlers, a state that evades its responsibility in the forestry invasion of Mapuche territory, a state that ignores its own treaties, a state that can’t give up its western logics of power because it is built on these.
In a still militarized territory, Temucuicui acts in coherence with its experience of resistance and its struggle against a genocidal state.