Home > actions, english > [March 2022, France] News from the CRAs (french immigrant prisons)

[March 2022, France] News from the CRAs (french immigrant prisons)

March 30th, 2022

Via Marseille Infos Autonomes, on March 27th 2022

Four persons locked up at the CRA (Centre de rétention administrative) of Marseille escaped last week.

At least one person was arrested, they are currently in jail waiting for their trial.

Power to all people locked up, good run to the people who have not been caught!


Via sansnom, march 26th 2022

In the CRA of Geispolsheim (Alsace):

After drugs were dropped into the CRA, which houses illegal immigrants awaiting deportation, a dispute broke out with police officers on Thursday afternoon.

Six men gathered mattresses, pillows, unhinged doors to gather them in the courtyard and set fire to them. The fumes blackened a building making it unfit to receive people. A seventh individual broke a video surveillance camera. The damage is estimated to be around 11,000 euros.

An eighth man took advantage of the commotion to try to escape. After climbing a first fence, he started to climb a second one but got stuck six meters high. The firemen had to intervene to unstuck him. He was not injured.

The eight men, aged between 19 and 41, of Algerian, Moroccan, Indian and Libyan nationalities, were brought to justice. The prosecution has requested that they be remanded in custody. They could be tried on Monday in immediate appearance.



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